Our Values

The Doria Feminist Fund embodies diversity and inclusion. We recognize the historical invisibility and voicelessness of many groups on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identities, citizenship status, ethnicity, age, ability and other. We are developing a policy on diversity and social inclusion which will cover our own internal practices as well as our engagement with grantee-partners and other stakeholders.

We stand in solidarity with our grantee-partners in their fights for rights, dignity and safety. We contribute to the realization of their feminist missions and objectives.

Doria has a holistic approach to grant-making which combines financial support, sustained coaching and mentoring and creating spaces that are conducive to learning within the movement.
Our approach also seeks to support small feminist groups to engage in producing and disseminating their own knowledge, become financially solvent and develop themselves in the long-term beyond the grant they receive.

Our sustainability is secured through incurring only minimal overhead costs, engaging with larger donors in a mutually trustful relationship as well as moving and growing slowly based on the learning amassed along the way.

Doria seeks to amplify and visibilise the voices, narratives, priorities, struggles and knowledge production by and for the movement. It facilitates connections between small feminist organisations, donors and international organisations and helps in strengthening their advocacy and their contribution to shaping international agendas.

We work in close partnership with our grantees in a framework of an egalitarian and participatory partnership that emphasizes transparency, collective decision making, consultation and mutual learning.
We listen to our grantee-partners and work together to co-create our feminist vision. We adjust our objectives and strategies based on the process of listening to and learning from our grantee partners.

We come from a starting point of respect to all women and we believe that rights and entitlements are universal, indivisible, inalienable and are parts of our global understanding of human rights.
We respect all women and LGBTQI+, we respect their voices, their views and their lived experiences which guide our work as a fund.

We trust the knowledge and wisdom of our grantee-partners and we believe in the ways in which they identify and set their priorities and choices. Operating from a standpoint of radical trust means that we seek to support our grantee-partners in making and realizing their choices.