Doria's Feminist Recognition Grant
Concept note
Doria's Feminist Recognition Grant is part of a holistic approach and theory of change for the Doria Feminist Fund to be in solidarity with emerging and intergenerational movements in North Africa through resources, recognitions, and narratives.
The feminist recognition grant is a celebration and acknowledgment of the feminists’ struggles and hard-earned gains in the face of patriarchy, racism, colonization and the various systems of power that reinforce and perpetuate inequality.
“To want and to dare! Never hesitate to act
when the feeling of injustice revolts us.”
Doria Shafik
Doria’s awardees are:
COURAGEOUS (has stood up against prevailing norms or assumptions and taken risks in the pursuit of advancing women’s equality and freedom)
DYNAMIC (has mobilized and/or persuaded others to shift from existing positions, are flexible and innovative in their strategies to advance change and are able to withstand public/media scrutiny)
INSIPRING (are able to evoke a sense of possibility and potential in others who in-turn follow in their footsteps to create a peaceful and just world)
COLLABORATIVE (work with others to galvanize diverse constituencies across lines of gender, race, religion and politics to achieve a common goal).
Selection Process and Criteria
Organizational Nominations
Organizations and feminist movements from North Africa are invited to nominate affiliates, founders and directors, and feminist activists who exemplify exceptional feminist leadership. Each organization and group may nominate one individual who meets the criteria.
Review Committee
A diverse jury committee will review the nominations. The committee will include:
The Executive Director of Doria Feminist Fund.
Three external members, two from the region and one from the Global South.
Timeline and budget
The call for nomination : The call for nomination will open on March 8th, 2025
Nominations Submission: Nominations will be accepted until April 9th 2025.
Review Process: The committee will review and finalize the selection of six feminist activists, with each grant amounting to up to 15,000 USD. The final selection will be made by mid-April.
Award Ceremony: A ceremony will be organized by Doria to announce and celebrate the awardees in August 2025 during Doria’s Forum.
Eligible Countries : Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia
Criteria to Select Nominees
Demonstrated success in addressing systemic discrimination and stigma against women and advancing feminist values in meaningful and measurable ways.
Creative tools, strategies, or approaches developed and implemented to advance feminist activism.
A strong commitment to inclusive practices, addressing multiple aspects of identity such as gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.
Evidence of fostering collaboration and building networks within and beyond their communities to strengthen the feminist movement.
A clear and compelling vision for future contributions to feminist leadership and systemic transformation.
Call for Nominations
The organizations are encouraged to submit on behalf of the nominees : each organization is encouraged to submit and nominate only one activist/individual.
A written or video statement (maximum 3 minutes) sharing their journey, inspirations, and vision for feminist transformation.
Examples of impactful initiatives or campaigns they have led, with supporting materials like photos, articles, or testimonials.
A reflection on how receiving the feminist recognition grant would amplify their work and contribute to the broader feminist movement.
Two endorsement letters highlighting the impact of the activist's work.
Activists will be required to submit a narrative report detailing the results achieved, how the funds were utilized, and a comprehensive financial report with supporting documents demonstrating expenses.
How to submit your nominations:
Organizations and feminist movements from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia are invited to nominate affiliates, founders and directors, and feminist activists who exemplify exceptional feminist leadership. Each organization and group may nominate one individual who meets the criteria, and submit a nomination as well as a grant request for up to $15,000 USD by the nominated individual.
To nominate, kindly download and complete the application form including the nomination, and the Feminist Recognition Grant request, and submit to
Deadline to submit nominations and grant requests: 9 April 2025
Download the form here